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According to an interview with the Telegraph lately, Gordon Ramsay's three children won't be sharing much in the chef's $54m wealth once he's gone. 日前大厨戈登•拉姆皆在接管《逐日电讯报》的采访时称,他过世后,三个子女将只可取得其遗产(5400万好意思元)的一小部分。
"It’s definitely not going to them, and that’s not in a mean way; it’s to not spoil them," he explained. 拉姆皆讲明谈:“这些钱笃定不会全给他们,不是我吝啬,而是不念念宠坏他们。”
The remark sparked headlines around the world, but Ramsay isn't the only celebrity multi-millionaire to have elected against leaving a pile of cash to his progeny. 这番言论登上了环球各地的新闻头条,但拉姆皆并不是那些盛名的千万富翁中唯独拒却给子女留住大笔财产的。
If you're thinking of finding a rich celebrity to adopt you, avoid this lot… 要是你念念找一个有名的富豪来收养你,那么请遁入以下几位……
Simon Cowell 西蒙•考威尔
“I don’t believe in passing on from one generation to another," Cowell once said. “Your legacy has to be that hopefully you gave enough people an opportunity, so that they could do well, and you gave them your time, taught them what you know.” “我不信奉将钞票一代代传下去的传统,”考威尔也曾这样说谈,“可能的话,你的遗产应该约略给鼓胀多的东谈主提供契机,这样他们有可能取到手利,然后你再花技巧把你知谈的都教给他们。”
The pint-sized pop despot reportedly has a fortune in excess of £300m. But will lookalike son Eric see any of that sweet, sweet talent show moolah? Will he heck. 据称,这位体魄矮小的流行音乐财主领有普及3亿英镑的资产。然则长相神似他的男儿埃里克能从他父亲选秀节计算利润均分到一杯羹吗?他会大失所望的。
"I'm going to leave my money to somebody," he told Esquire. "A charity, probably kids and dogs." “我会将遗产捐赠出去。”他这样告诉《先锋先生》杂志。“可能是慈善机构,也可能是资助孩子或匡助狗。”
Jackie Chan 成龙黑皮猪
For punching people really fast and kicking them in the head and jumping off stuff, Jackie Chan has built a fortune of around $130m. 以迅雷不足掩耳之势出拳、爆头、飞越任意,凭借这些功夫招式,成龙也曾创造了约1.3亿好意思元的钞票。
His son, Jaycee, must feel pretty secure in his future then, yes? 那他的男儿房祖名念念必不错安枕而卧了是吗?
No. 天然不是。
“If he is capable, he can make his own money. If he is not, then he will just be wasting my money," says Jackie, who plans to leave the lot to charity. 成龙说:“男儿有武艺的话就会我方成绩,莫得武艺即是铺张我的钱。”他缠绵把钱都捐给慈善机构。
Warren Buffett 沃伦•巴菲特
The perfect amount to leave your children, billionaire Warren Buffet famously said in the 80s, is "enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing." 亿万富翁沃伦•巴菲特在二十世纪八十年代曾说过一句盛名的话,他说留给子女最完好的钞票数目是“不错让他们以为我方无所不成,但又不至于让他们饱食竟日”。
He's reportedly doing just that, leaving a small amount of his $70bn wealth to his three grown-up children. The rest will go to charity. 据报谈,巴菲特恰是这样作念的,他的三个成年子女只可分得他700亿好意思元钞票的一小部分,其余的都将捐献给慈善机构。
Bill Gates 比尔•盖茨
Like fellow super-rich philanthropist Warren Buffet, Bill Gates is not going to be giving his £70bn fortune to his offspring. Or not all of it, anyway. 像超等富豪兼慈善家沃伦•巴菲特相通,比尔•盖茨不会将其700亿英镑的钞票留给后代。或者说,不会一皆留给他们。
"Our kids will receive a great education and some money so they are never going to be poorly off but they’ll go out and have their own career," he told Holly Willoughby last year. “咱们的孩子将接管优质的教会,并袭取一部分财产,这样他们不至于生涯得太落魄。但他们需要我方去闯出一番行状。”比尔•盖茨客岁这样告诉霍莉•威洛比。
"It’s not a favour to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. It distorts anything they might do, creating their own path. “让孩子们领有多半的钞票不是一件善事,这会影响他们作念的每一件事,妨碍他们走出我方的路。”
"This money is dedicated to helping the poorest. They know that, they are proud of that, they go on trips with us and see the work that’s being done." “这笔钱尽力于于匡助最虚浮的东谈主。孩子们知谈这件事,他们对此也很自高。他们会随着咱们去望望这些善款落实的如何样了。”
纪湘视频在线观看The kids are apparently fine with it. All depends what he means by "poorly off"... 很赫然,孩子们都接管了这件事情。遗产的数目都取决于比尔•盖茨对“落魄”的界说了……
Mickey Rooney 米基•鲁尼
Despite 80 years in showbusiness, Mickey Rooney reportedly had less than $30,000 to leave when he died in 2014. 据报谈,天然米基•鲁尼身处演艺界80年之久,但2014年过世时,他仅有不到3万好意思元的财产。
His will disinherited all eight of his surviving children, all of whom were said to be wealthier than their father. Instead, the money was left to his stepson and carer before his death, Mark. 他的遗嘱里莫得把财产留给他辞世的8个孩子,因为传奇他们都比我方的父亲宽裕。这些钱将会留给他的继子和过世前的护理东谈主员迈克。